OkCupid Says: My Heart Can Be Reached Via Flowchart

Today I joined OkCupid.com. After answering 50 or so "Match Questions," I received an e-mail from the site containing a "Flow Chart to My Heart." Personally, I'd never imagined the mythological Cupid as one for diagrams, but I figured I'd post my chart without further comment and see what you think.

One thing, though. You'll notice the topmost question on the chart is, "Have you ever had a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex?" Readers, this was indeed one of the questions presented to me in order to "improve my matches" with other gay men. This after I specified on the sign-up page that I was a gay man myself, and OkCupid responded by inserting the word "gay" with a carrot in the headline on the next page: "Join the best *gay* dating site on Earth."

If there's one thing about gay men, it's not only that we frequently have sexual encounters with people of the same sex, but we're generally quite fond of it.

Click on the "Flow Chart to My Heart" to enlarge it.


Nate said...

Hey Steve;

You first need to realize that not everybody on OKCupid is gay (obviously). That question is mostly for the non-homos since it's assumed that as a homosexual you've had sex with a member of the same sex as yourself. However, it's also important to realize that there are gay virgins out there just like there are straight ones, and not everyone is as old or as experienced as you may be. I first joined OKCupid when I was 18 and even though I'd already identified as gay, I hadn't had sex yet and for that question I said "no, but I would like to". :)

I hope you find somebody on there, though. I've met some really, really good friends on OKC but as of yet no one I'd be willing to commit my life to.

Best of luck and life!


Steve said...
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Steve said...

Hi Nate!

Of course you're right that not everybody on OkCupid is gay, but I was thrown by the fact that the site recognized I was gay in one context (the page headline) but not the other (the Match Question). You make a very good point about virgins, though.

:) Steve

Unknown said...

I met my boyfriend on this site!
Best of luck to you!

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